The 2017 crop of Opera Carmen pears is ready: the harvest is set to start on 10 July!
The sun is our pears’ best friend, helping them to ripen just right, according to Nature’s plan and brimming with flavour. Once again this year, as it has been for centuries, the sun has done its job: the 2017 crop of Opera pears is ready for harvesting! But Opera knows and respects the value of time and leaves Nature all the time she needs to get the job done right. This is why, every year – beginning in early July and continuing until the end of October – the Opera pears are subjected to continuous technical evaluations for the purpose of identifying the exact moment when it is best to begin harvesting the various varieties. Our aims are two: leaving the fruit as long as possible on the trees so they can accumulate the maximum amount of nutrients possible and develop all the flavour and aromas typical of each variety, and preventing delays in the harvest that might compromise the quality of the product during storage.
For Carmen, the summer pear and the first to be harvested, the first day of the harvest has already been fixed.
The Opera Carmen 2017 harvest begins officially today, 10 July, and the first deliveries to our distribution Partners will begin on 17 July.
So be prepared: in less than 2 weeks all the best fruit and vegetable stores will have the freshly harvested 2017 Opera Carmen pears ready and waiting for you!
If over the next few weeks you come back to visit this section of you will find regularly updated information on the beginning of the harvest and the deliveries of all the leading varieties of Opera pears.
Because as we all know: Nature takes her time.
Understanding and respecting Mother Nature is important for all of us.
Looking forward to seeing you.